Archive for October, 2008

Your Moment of Kim – 004 – Because the Song Already Had A Truck

-Kim spouts out about a satellite radio channel voting conspiracy.

Also, a special bonus – “Fool” by Comic Book Goddess. Released under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives license.

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Your Moment of Kim – 003 – Matrimonial Mind Control

Today, Kim talks about another cause of evil – Wedding Reality Shows.

Your Moment of Kim is a micro-cast, sharing the feed with The Geek Pantheon Podcast. Sanity is neither requested nor required.

Like what you’ve heard? Please comment here, send an email, or visit ComicBookGoddess.Com for more Kim.

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Your Moment of Kim – 002 – MONSTER ECONOMIC PROSE ACK

Monster Economic Prose ACK!
– Or –
How I Stopped Listening to My Congressman and Learned to Love Godzilla.

A short explanation of how our recent economic problems relate to kaiju.

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-b5605f05d329eaa0ae491b3e373279aa}

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