Archive for Promo

Flying Imperative EP Release

Enjoy my new song, Icarus, and the first official release of a few familiar items. I’m calling it Flying Imperative.

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Geek Pantheon Promo and some notes…

Howdy – thought I’d pass y’all the new Geek Pantheon Promo.

Thank you to whoever nominated us for the Parsec Awards, because we made the cut and are a finalist for 2009!  Unfortunately, Harry doesn’t like the category “Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast” so much…

If you will be at Dragon*Con, look and listen for me – I’ll be hanging around the podcasting track and I’ll probably be wearing yellow and dragging a guitar.  I believe I’m saving the official SSDWC lab coat and goggles for the Parsec ceremony.  I’m also planning to get to the Escape Pod grouping, and hang out with the 9th Heroescast (oh, yeah, that’s a finalist for FanCast, too!) and Buffy Between the Lines Studio people.

I’m on the “Is Mainstream Media Dying?” panel on Friday at 5:30 in Marriot A704, in case you want to be absolutely certain it’s me you’re about to talk to.

See ya soon for SSDWC Season Two!

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